1. Beta blockers are used in patients with coronary artery disease for all of the following properties, EXCEPT:
A) Negative ionotropic effect
B) Coronary vasodilatation
C) Negative chronotropic effect
D) Antihypertrnsive effect
Ans: B
Beta blockers prevent action of adrenalin on myocardium, thus they reduce myocardial contractility (negative ionotropic effect) and prevent increase in heart rate during stress (negative chronotropic effect). Antihypertensive effect of beta blockers prevents progression of atherosclerosis. Beta blockers do not have vasodilatory effect on coronary vasculature.
2. A 10 year old child presents with progressively worsening dyspnoea and cough for past 2 months, he should be evaluated for all of the following conditions, EXCEPT:
A) Rheumatic heart disease
B) Bronchial asthma
C) Cardiomyopaty
D) Pulmonary tuberculosis
Ans: B
Bronchial asthma is characterised by episodic bronchospasm and hence episodic symptoms. All other listed conditions can present with progressively worsening symptoms.
3. Pneumocystis carinii (Jiroveci) pneumonia is:
A) Fungal pneumonia
B) Viral pneumonia
C) Bacterial pneumonia
D) Allergic pneumonia
Ans: A
4. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is treated with:
A) Amphotericin B
B) Amoxicillin salbactum
C) Amoxicillin- clavulinic acid
D) Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole
Ans: D
5. Smoking cessation is the mainstay of treatment for:
A) Migrating thrombophebitis
B) Deep vein thrombosis
C) Thromboangitis obliterens
D) Thrombocytopenia
Ans: C
Thromboangitis obliterens is also known as Buerger’s disease. Peripheral arteries and veins in limbs are thrombosed and inflamed. It is strongly associated with smoking and smokeless tobacco. Smoking cessation slows down the disease process but may not halt progress.
6. Which substance exerts maximum effect on plasma osmolarity:
A) Sodium
B) Glucose
C) Urea
D) Creatinine
Ans: A
Sodium exerts maximum effect on plasma osmolarity, this can be seen from the example. In a person with serum sodium of 140mg/ dl, Blood glucose of 135mg/dl and blood urea of 14mg/dl, using the formula:
2x Na+ Glu/18+ Urea/2.8 = 280+7.5+5= 292.5
Thus it is clear that sodium exerts maximum effect on osmolarity.
7. Treatment of prinzmetal angina is:
A) Calcium channel blockers
B) Ecospirin
C) Beta blockers
D) Angioplasty
Ans: A
Prinznetal angina, also known as variant angina is due to unexplained vasospasm of coronaries. It responds to nitrates and calcium channel blockers. Beta blockers are contraindicated. Ecospirin has no role. Angiography may be normal unless provocative test is performed. Angioplasty has no role.
8. Most sensitive and specific marker of myocardial necrosis is:
A) Cardiac troponin
B) Creatinine kinase MB
C) Myoglobin
D) Alanine transaminase
Ans: A
Cardiac troponins are most sensitive and specific indicators of cardiac necrosis. They are measured in cases of acute chest pain to differentiate between unstable angina and myocardial infarction.
9. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis(TB) is defined as:
A) Bacteria resistant to any two antiTB drugs
B) Bacteria resistant to INH and refampicin
C) Bacteria resistant to INH or refampicin
D) Bacteria resistant to INH, refampicin and amikacin
Ans: B
10. What is not true about Patit-mal epilepsy?
A) Several episodes occur everyday
B) May manifest with unexplained deterioration in school performance
C) Staring spells may be the sole manifestations
D) Seizure is followed by cloudy consciousness
Ans: D
Patit mal seizure, also known as absence seizure; is brief disturbance in electrical activity of brain resulting in staring spells several times in a day. It may remain undiagnosed and untreated resulting in deterioration in school performance. Consciousness remains clear following a seizure.